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Physics Lab Items
Our enterprise is involved in trading and
supplying of Physics Lab Set Up. The complete assortment is
fabricated by our vendors from premium grade basic material. Our
physical laboratory instruments are applauded for precision results,
compact size, thermal resistant and sturdy construction properties.
These are comprehensively tested on well defined parameters in the
vendors laboratories as well as our own in-built quality control
wing. Manufactured and exported a wide range of physics lab instruments
that is fabricated using qualitative raw material. Known for its
durability, high conductivity and heat resistance, these are used in
testing laboratories as per the clients demand.

Balances and Weights
- Physical Balances, Chemical Balances & Analytical Balances
- Physical Weights Set, Chemical Weights & Analytical Weights
- Spring Balances Newtons & Grams
- Slotted Weights and Hangers, Brass & Iron
- Hooked Weights
- Bottle Shape Weights
- Fractional Weights Set, Physical & Analytical
- Reading Telescopes
- Cathetometers

Vernier Microscopes
- Vernier Microscopes Six Position
- Travelling Microscopes Horizontal & Vertical
- Travelling Microscopes Advance Type with Transverse Movement

- Meter Scales (Meter Rules)
- Measuring Tapes Various
- Vernier Calipers Different Types o:o Micrometer Screw Gauges
- Demonstration Model Large Micrometers & Vernier Calipers
- Spherometers & Opisometers
- Demonstration Model Large Spherometer

Specific Gravity
- Cubes of different Sizes & Metals
- Cylinders of different Sizes & Metals
- Spheres of different Sizes & Metals
- Density Bottles
- Nicholson Hydrometers
- Universal Hydrometers
- U-Tube Apparatus on Stand
- Hare's Apparatus on Stand
- Combined 'LT Tube & Hare's Apparatus on Stand

Boyle's Law Apparatus & Air Pumps
- Boyle's Law Apparatus on Stand
- Charles Law Apparatus (Jolly's Apparatus) o:o Air Pump Vacuum
- Guinea & Feather Apparatus
- Magdeburg Hemisphere, Iron & Brass

- Filter Pump Model
- Lift Pump Model
- Force Pump Model
- Bramah Press Model
- Equilibrium Tubes (Water Level Apparatus)
- Capillary Apparatus
- Bernoulli Tube
- Venturi Tubes
- Hook's Law Apparatus

- Fortin's Barometers ( Mercurial Barometers)
- Barometer Cases Wooden
- Barometer Tubes
- Aneroid Barometers Wall Type
- Aneroid Barometer, Demonstration Model

- Lever Simple Form
- Maxwell's Needle
- Pulleys Plastic 50 mm Various
- PulUeys Aluminium 50 mm Various
- Pulley Board Mounting
- Pulley Bench Mounting
- Pulley on Rod
- Differential Pulley
- Compound Pendulum
- Fly Wheel with Ball Bearing
- Wheel & Axle
- Stop Clocks ( Seconds Timer )
- Parallelogram of Forces Apparatus
- Force Table
- Young Modulus Apparatus Searles & Vernier Type
- Inclined Planes & Friction Boards
- Whirling Table & Accessories

- Linear Expansion Apparatus
- Ring & Ball Apparatus
- Bar & Gauge Apparatus
- Bar Breaking Apparatus
- Compound Bar ( Compound Metal Strip) Brass & Iron, Copper &
Iron and Brass & copper.
- Conductivity Apparatus Various
- Conductometer with Handle
- Hope's Apparatus & Hypsometer
- Ventilation Apparatus
- Pyrometer
- Convection Tube 200 x 150 mm
- Leslie's Cubes
- Radiometer Crookes
- Constant Level Tank
- Constant Volume Air Thermometer
- Constant Pressure Air Thermometer
- Calorimeters various Copper & Aluminium
- Calorimeter with Lid
- Joule's Calorimeters
- Steam Heaters & Steam Boilers
- Mechanical Equivalent of Heat Apparatus
- Continuous Flow Calorimeter, Callandar & Barnes